Board Game
I have presented my 6th grade with the problem of developing a board game. I posted guidelines on the blackboard, yes blackboard. Our Art Room communication board is made of slate. It is a treasure. The guidelines included basic requirements: a game board, moveable tokens and or other game instruments, objective with rules and an overall unified feel or theme. We discussed using known games as stepping stones and not as direct templates. The project asks for group work. I am not typically a big fan of group work, however it is a skill that needs nurturing and this project calls for group work. Students were on task, involved, over the top thrilled with the assignment. Simple supplies consisted of paper, paint, markers, glue, scissors and what ever recyclable components their concept called for. Some students printed out images and words to add, while others handmade everything. At the close of the project the groups presented the games to the class commercial style. The goal was to present in a persuasive "buy this game" style. Several groups used the Billy Mays style and totally enjoyed pitching their game. Finally, students rotated and played the games giving constructive evidence based feedback to the creative game planners.
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